Bring WIRe Accelerate to Your Workforce

Invest in a Culture of Confidence

In 2018 the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics reported that companies with fewer than 100 employees gave only 12 minutes of manager training every six months. Organizations with 100 – 500 employees provided just 6 minutes. A long-term research project commissioned by Middlesex University for Work Based Learning found that from a 4,300 workers sample, 74% felt that they weren't achieving their full potential at work due to lack of development opportunities. With so many obstacles facing companies and their employees during this complicated time, it's imperative that leaders invest in a more holistically-confident, well-rounded, and growth-focused employee base to propel their organization through the storm — and beyond.

Foster Growth

WIRe Accelerate is an opportunity to foster the growth and leadership skills of employees of all genders and skill levels. The content of WIRe Accelerate programming is designed to arm and empower market research professionals with the skills they need to confidently and courageously step into their career goals. Designed with caregivers, working parents, students, and busy professionals in mind, your employees will have ample opportunity to engage with course material and cohort discussion at their own pace while actively working toward partial CPD accreditation from the MRS.

Download Our WIRe Accelerate Corporate Opportunities Deck

Want to share more about the WIRe Accelerate program with your leadership team? Download our Corporate Package Deck.

Custom Program Packages for Companies

At WIRe, we firmly believe that corporate leaders and decision makers have a big role to play when it comes to building the diverse and equitable workplace of the future. That's why we are offering a discounted rate of 20% off program costs for companies who directly purchase packages of three or more WIRe Accelerate program seats for their employees, as well as deeper discount for packages of ten seats or more. If you are interested in purchasing a Corporate Program package or if you would like WIRe to reach out to your company leadership with more information on the WIRe Accelerate program, please reach out to Jessica Sage.

WIRe Accelerate Program Inquiry

Have questions about WIRe Accelerate and how you can adapt this program to suit your company or team needs?
Reach out via the form below and we'll be in contact within 24-48 business hours.
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