Live WIRe from Japan: Interview with Noriko Hayashi
April 28, 2018
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Noriko Hayashi, Senior Manager, MRCI Japan RRP, Philip Morris Japan GK
Discussion guide
When you look back on your own career, please tell us about any turning points that will help you form your current career or reach your career goals.
When and what happened?About 10 years ago, when I was an assistant manager, I was given the opportunity to give presentations in front of almost all employees in several sessions. It is a place to share the sales policy at the beginning of the year, but it was the first time for research to make a presentation there, and it is unfamiliar (although important) to most sales staff. Usually the senior level is in charge. I spent 40 minutes preparing and practicing how to talk for 40 minutes. As a result, it was probably well received. I felt that it was my own position within the company, the way people around me and my eyes changed.
What were the factors that helped you reach your own career goals? (Example: change in environment/mental state, skill improvement, support from boss/mentor, support from family, etc.) Why is it important?The changes in my surroundings have changed my consciousness about work. In the future, I realized that I will continue to grow my career at this company and contribute to the business. With the addition of the idea of "how to contribute," it will naturally lead to quality improvement and may lead to the present.
How have these turning points helped your current career?I keep in mind the importance of telling people. No matter how good a research you do, it doesn't make sense if you don't get it to the people who need it. Although it is a basic thing, it is ‧‧‧.
Have you ever had a difficult or difficult time looking back at your own career? Please let us know as much as you can.I've never felt so difficult because I'm a non-slippery person or I'll forget what I don't like when I'm over.
What advice would you give to you if you are a new graduate or if you have a career problem?I don't have to hurry. If you work steadily even if you are not flashy, there are always people who are watching. And challenge yourself with the given opportunity. Even if you can't find the meaning at that time, you will always find something that you were happy with.
Finally, please tell us your motto, your motto.
It's embarrassing to say that it's not a daunting thing, but the motto is that work is fun ‧More fun than work. I intend to make my work enjoyable in order to make it enjoyable other than work.