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International Women’s Day 2018: WIRe and the call to #PressforProgress

March 14, 2018

WIRe teamed up with NewMR and LoveStats for this year’s International Women’s Day festivities, carrying out a social media campaign meant to bring visibility to women in research and to recognize members of the mrx community who #PressforProgress by fighting for gender parity in the industry.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme, #PressforProgress, is all about accelerating gender parity through collective action. WIRe’s Global Scholarship Fund does just that; by supporting an economically challenged woman entering into a market research-related field of study the WIRe community commits to a future in which women’s voices are heard, together.

In 2018, WIRe, alongside our partners at the ESOMAR Foundation, is actively funding a woman in Guatemala. Last year, the WIRe community successfully funded the education of Esther Tot in Cambodia and, the year prior, that of Innocent Rwamba Nyaga in Kenya. We’ve done this together before and can do this as a community again; join us in our continued fight for gender parity. International Women’s Day may only come once a year, but every day you have the opportunity to make a global impact in the lives of women. Your donation is tax deductible and life changing!

I want to support a woman in Guatemala entering into the market research field

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