You won’t want to miss this! Join us in Manchester for an evening of drinks, creative networking, and a discussion on the topic of diversity in market research with the unique experiences of diverse researchers at the center of the conversation. We’ll hear from speaker Ella Fryer Smith, who will share experiences of diverse people working in the MR industry and how we can work together as an industry to improve things, as well as Gareth Hodgson, who will speak to the need for a market research workforce with a diverse set of skills and how this is attracting new and different people to the industry. We’ll also be joined by local artist Emma Evans, who’s creative activities will spark new connections between attendees! Space for this event is limited and registration is required to attend; please share this page with your coworkers and colleagues and suggest that they register for this fun, MR-focused event as well.
A BIG thank you to Beam Fieldwork and Lucid for supporting this event!