We hope you can join us for one of our most exciting and well-attended events of the year: our conference kickoff Happy Hour at IIEX NA! Meet us in Washington D.C. for an evening of networking, connection, fun & games, and more! We're thrilled to once again join Greenbook for the IIEX NA conference, providing an informal and supportive space for conference attendees of all genders to connect before the main event takes off. Registration for this event is not open quite yet; head over to womeninresearch.org/sign-up to join the mailing list and receive an invitation once we're accepting RSVPs to the event.
A BIG thank you to the Greenbook team for inviting us back to celebrate this year and to Emporia, Full Circle Research, Insights Exchange, PureSpectrum, QuestionPro and RepData for making this event possible!